How To Brainstorm More Out Of The Box Solutions For Your Business
Your Weekly Motivation
Brainstorming is the act of creating and circulating ideas among your team members in order to develop new products, services, or solutions to a problem. Great brainstorming sessions can lead to great business ideas that take your business from just an idea into something that exists in the world. However, brainstorming sessions are not always productive. Instead, they usually leave you feeling like a bunch of amateur performers who can’t seem to get their instruments right. Thankfully, there is an alternative to brain worksheets and exercise studios: brainstorming! Brainstorms are different than exercise sessions in that you’re not making plans with your team members beforehand. Instead, you’re all coming together for an unplanned meeting where everyone plays out their own strategy for getting the most out of the session.
What Is a Brainstorm?
Brainstorming is unplanned, unscripted, and often very collaborative brainstorming. It is the act of coming together for an unplanned, unscripted brainstorming meeting. In a brainstorming meeting, you don’t set out a plan for how to proceed. Instead, you sit down with a minimum of prearranged topics and ideas, and in a few hours, you will come up with something completely different. This is a precursor to brainstorming. You can also call it brainstorming outside the box. For instance, you might have an idea for a product that is revolutionary, but it is not common or easy to access for it to be a market niche. Instead of attempting to make that a market niche, you come up with an idea that is so niched you are unlikely to be successful.
For one, brainstorming is a creative process. It is not an engineering process. The process of brainstorming often employs elements from both fields. The process of brainstorming is a creative exercise in which you come together with no plan or overall plan for how to proceed. You also have no idea where your proposed solution might take your business. Instead, you have an abundance of wild, wonderful ideas that spring to life when you sit down and work them out together. Think of brainstorming as you would an engineering exercise. You might come up with an idea for an object that cannot be made physically or through chemical synthesis, but that is the essence of what it is. You might come up with an idea for software that allows people to conduct creative tasks such as drawing or writing, and you might come up with an interesting product idea that provides a solution to a problem specific to your business. You might come up with an idea for a new type of product that uses your technology. In these cases, you will have no idea how to make it happen. Instead, you have an idea in your head, which is a form of knowledge. This knowledge can come from reading, philosophy, books, articles, and even TV and radio shows. Think of knowledge as a bolt of cloth that you can use to make a garment. As you unpack the cloth, you will come up with different colors, sizes, and patterns that you can use. The process of brainstorming is about coming up with new ideas and putting them into action. It is not about coming up with an idea and then waiting for it to mature. Rather, it is about bringing your ideas to life and seeing if they worked. This is the creative process.
Here is a great way to get involved in the creative process and brainstorm for a business idea. Choose one of the following brainstorming techniques: You can also use the online version of this book and start the process by brainstorming with a few of your team members. This is the most direct way to get involved in the creative process. When you come up with an idea, you can tape-record the conversation and then send it to the department that specializes in your idea. This department can then decide whether or not to proceed with the idea. If the idea is really special, the company can offer you a contract that will guarantee you access to the department for one year. If the idea is not so special, then the department can come to you and say, “We have no idea what you are talking about.”
Here are some of the more advanced brainstorming techniques that you can try: You can also use the online version of this book and start the process by brainstorming with a few of your team members. This is the most direct way to get involved in the creative process. When you come up with an idea, you can tape-record the conversation and then send it to the department that specializes in your idea. This department can then decide whether or not to proceed with the idea. If the idea is really special, the company can offer you a contract that will guarantee you access to the department for one year. If the idea is not so special, then the department can come to you and say, “We have no idea what you are talking about.”
Brainstorming is a creative process, and it is not a static process. Rather, it is a constantly changing process. This is why brainstorming is crucial for your business's growth and success. By bringing together your team for unplanned and unplanned brainstorming sessions, you are creating new products, services, and solutions to problems. Moreover, you are also creating new ideas that may or may not work. In other words, you are creating your version of the “The 110 Ways to Get Your Idea Out Of The Way” talk from the famous entrepreneur, Elon Musk.