How to Speak Out And Get Better Results END>

 How to Speak Out And Get Better Results END>

Your Daily Motivation

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while now, you’re probably aware that I’ve been training my entire life to be a piano player. While it’s not something that I have time for in the morning or an activity I can do regularly, there is one area where I excel and get better results than most: speaking public! At first, it might seem like there isn't much to say about singing in public. How else are you going to attract people who think your talent is overrated? However, don't be like me and think that being shy is the biggest impediment to success! If you're ready to speak your truth about how and why you sound bad in public, then read on…

What makes you really good in public?

Whenever I speak in public, it's usually to an audience of two people. One person is the "audience," which includes strangers and even family members. The other person is the speaker, which includes my audience, my income, and a variety of tools to make the public experience as pleasant as possible. A lot of people think that being in public is a cause for anxiety or a sign that they're not good enough to be heard. However, this perception is completely wrong! Being in public doesn't make you "bad" or "bad at the voice" - it just means that you have a very limited range of emotions and have a lot of room for improvement. Most of the time, you'll be able to express yourself perfectly well in front of an audience of two people. But, when you get to be in front of a crowd of 30, 40,000 people, things start to get a little blurry. You might have a hard time finding the right volume of voice to match the volume of the crowd, or you might have to maintain a particular volume for your audience to enjoy what they're listening to as much as possible. The best thing to do is to get comfortable keeping your voice in one spot at a time. If you try to sing in spoken format, you'll find that it's very difficult to maintain a consistent pace with the music. Even if you use an external mic, you'll still be struggling to keep your voice in one place. If you find that you can't keep your voice in one spot at a time, you might have to change songs or pause the music to speak.

Why do you sound bad in public?

There are a couple of main reasons why you might sound bad in public: People who don't get along well with others - as we all know, no two people are going to be perfect, and everyone has personalities that vary from one another. What makes you especially bad in public is if you're just being yourself and trying to get the attention of the audience. People who aren't happy in public - unless you've got a great gig or a great show, you'll probably end up sounding like shit in public. Your voice - As we all know, our voice has a big part to play in how people react to us. If you spend the majority of your time in public speaking, you'll probably start to notice a decrease in how much volume you want to bring up in your voice.

How to speak out and get better results

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do about your speaking problem if you keep hearing it: Practice speaking in silence - Don't try to speak when someone is in the next room. Try to keep your voice low and steady as you speak, even if you're only in drowsy mode. Don't try to speak too quickly - Try to keep your voice at a normal pitch so that it doesn't sound like you're jiving off any particular pitch. Practice breathing slowly - Try to keep your mouth and tongue moving as you speak, not gurgling, unlocking, rapid-leaping, or otherwise too fast-paced movements. If you're finding it difficult to talk, try to slow down your movements so that they seem more like breaths.


Although it might seem like an impossible task, it's quite easy. All you have to do is to get your act together as a person and learn how to speak with confidence and authority. All you need to do now is to use these tips and techniques to get better results every single day.

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